Friday, September 19, 2008
  [Hypnopoems] Is it essential that you read them out loud?

How to Hypnotze Women using Hypnopoetics

One question that several people have asked me goes like this:

Q. "Does the poetry lose any effectivness if they (the women to be
seduced) read it to themselves or is it essential that you read it
to them?"

A. It is essential that you read the hypnopoems out loud to them.
If you send them in an email or written form and they read it, the
poetry will be only slightly more effective than any other poetry
that you might send.

They might think you are a sensitive guy and will experience some
of the feelings that the poetry is designed to evoke, but there
will be little or no change in their thoughts and feelings about

For instance, when I was first developing Hypnopoetics, I was
hesitant to read the poems aloud. Once, I sent one to a woman I had
met and spoken to several times - we may have even met for coffee.
I didn't really know what to expect from the poem, so I went the
easy route and just sent it.

When I asked her about it, she said it made her feel
"uncomfortable". The poem had a lot of calls to internal body
sensations, and I realized that I had been pushing all of her
buttons, but she didn't have any context or point of reference to
associate those feelings to me or my voice.

I was not successful in seducing her, but used the same poem very
effectively with several other women, later.

This is because your voice and tonality play an important role in
inducing the trance that the woman will experience. And, as you
read them to her, the feelings that she will experience and the
emotions that the hypnopoems program into her unconscious will
become strongly associated to your voice.

For instance, in "Ocean Sunset" I give the following post-hypnotic
o "open your heart to me"
o "you will want to hold me"
o "you want to give me that lover's special gift"

If she is reading this to herself, her unconscious doesn't know who
"me" is. When you read them to her, her unconscious has no choice
but to lock in those feelings and desires to you and your voice.
Over the phone works great!

Got it?


P.S. You don't have to have a deep, sexy, or seductive voice in
order for the poems to work. Just read them quietly, slowly, with
pauses and with feeling. A clam or even monotonous voice will get
you what you want. There are some examples at:
o http://www.hypnopoetics.com/Assets/audio/ocean-sunset.html
o http://www.hypnopoetics.com/Assets/audio/another-time.html
o http://www.hypnopoetics.com/Assets/audio/right-now.html

Phil Billitz
4 Quarters Technology LLC, 5803 McEwan Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, USA


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